
Welcome to Appleby Photography and thank you for visiting our wedding blog! We are a wedding and portrait studio located in the midwest. We are happy to serve the Wisconsin and Iowa area. Please let us know how we can help you- we would be honored to be a part of your day!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Wedding Planning, By The Numbers

Wedding Planning - By The Numbers (larger)

We have a booth at the January Wedding Planner & Guide bridal show every year, showing off our photography and the photo booth. This year, the weather was unseasonably warm, reaching into the 30's! (Sad, I know, but the show usually falls on the coldest weekend of the year. That came the week before.) Hopefully you had a chance to stop by and check out our newest albums. If not, call and we can set up a time to meet and we'll show you!

After the show was done, WP&G sent out some stats, based on brides and grooms' responses to survey questions. It's a little geeky, but having all those numbers really made me want to put together an infographic. There were more stats, but I thought these would be the most interesting for brides and grooms to see.

So, enjoy my geekiness.